Dual Degree student

MBA - Admissions - Dual Degrees

Dual Degrees

Darden offers several dual degree programs in connection with other schools and departments at the University of Virginia. These joint degree programs are designed to enhance the educational experience beyond what could be achieved if the two degrees were pursued independently.


Admission to all dual degree programs requires acceptance to both Darden and the participating program through each school's normal admissions process. Dual degree programs are only offered in combination with Darden's Full-Time MBA program. If you have Darden admissions-related questions, please sign up for a dual degree conversation with Merav Frazier (she/her).

Curriculum Requirements

Students in dual degree programs must complete the Darden First Year program and 22.5 hours of electives for a combined 52.5 credits (instead of the normal 60 credits) at the Darden School in addition to the requisite coursework for the participating program. Additional curriculum requirements are noted in the individual program descriptions below. Receipt of the MBA degree is contingent on receipt of the respective non-MBA degree, and financial aid and grading standards are based on the program of enrollment. Students must coordinate with both schools to ensure that all requirements of the dual degree are met. Each dual degree program has a designated faculty advisor at the respective school.

*The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only.  The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found at http://records.ureg.virginia.edu/index.php.

Dual Degrees