Shane Dikolli

Shane Dikolli

Bank of America Associate Professor in Business Administration


FOB 238

Academic Area

Areas of Expertise

Executive Compensation, Managerial Performance Evaluation, Corporate Performance Measurement, Product Costing

Education: B.Bus., P.Grad.Dip.Bus., Curtin University of Technology; Ph.D., University of Waterloo

Shane Dikolli is the Bank of America Associate Professor in Business Administration at Darden. He previously held the position of associate dean of faculty engagement at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. His primary research interests focus on the performance evaluation of CEOs spanning both analytical modeling and empirical analysis. Dikolli currently serves as an editor at The Accounting Review and has served as an editor at Journal of Management Accounting Research and as an ad hoc editor at Contemporary Accounting Research. He currently holds editorial board member positions at Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Management Accounting Research, European Accounting Review, and Accounting and Finance. He has published his research in Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting& Economics, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, European Accounting Review, and Journal of Management Accounting Research. He has served as the president of the American Accounting Association's Management Accounting Section.

Dikolli teaches "Accounting for Managers" at Darden in the full-time and executive MBA programs and has been awarded the Outstanding Faculty award in the full-time program (2020), the Transformational Faculty in the executive MBA program (2020 and co-recipient in 2021), and the Faculty Marshal award for the executive MBA program (2020 and 2021). He also taught managerial accounting at the Fuqua School of Business and won the "Teacher of the Year" Award four times in the full-time MBA program for elective course teaching, and for core course teaching in the full time (once), cross-continent executive (twice) and the weekend executive (twice) MBA programs. In 2011, Bloomberg Businessweek recognized him in the Top 5 Most Popular Business Professors across all disciplines in the Top 30 business schools in the U.S. He received a BBus (accounting) and a PGradDipBus (accounting) from Curtin University (Australia) and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Waterloo (Canada); he is also a Certified Practising Accountant (Australia).

Select Publications

Dikolli, S.S., J. Heater, W.J. Mayew, and M. Sethuraman, (2020), "Chief Financial Co-option and Chief Executive Officer Compensation," Management Science, forthcoming.

Dikolli, S.S., T. Keusch, W.J. Mayew, and T.D. Steffen, (2020), "CEO Behavioral Integrity, Auditor Responses, and Firm Outcomes," The Accounting Review, 95(2): 61-88.

Dikolli, S.S., V. Diser, C. Hofmann and T. Pfeiffer (2018), "CEO Power and Relative Performance Evaluation," Contemporary Accounting Research. 35: 1279

Dikolli, S.S., W.J. Mayew, and D. Nanda, (2014), "CEO Tenure and the Performance-Turnover Relation," Review of Accounting Studies, 19(1): 281-327.

Dikolli, S.S., S.L. Kulp, and K.L. Sedatole, (2013), "The Use of Contract Adjustments to Lengthen the CEO Horizon in the Presence of Internal and External Monitoring," Journal of Management Accounting Research. 25(1): 199-229.

Dikolli, S.S., C. Hofmann, and T. Pfeiffer, (2013) "Relative Performance Evaluation and Peer- Performance Summarization Errors," Review of Accounting Studies. 18(1): 34-65.

Dikolli, S.S., C. Hofmann, and S.L. Kulp, (2009) "Interrelated Performance Measures, Interactive Effort, and Incentive Weights," Journal of Management Accounting Research, 21: 125-149.

Dikolli, S.S., W.R. Kinney, Jr., and K.L. Sedatole, (2007) "Measuring Customer Relationship Value: The Role of Switching Cost" Contemporary Accounting Research, 24(1): 93-132.