Phillip E. Pfeifer

Richard S. Reynolds Professor Emeritus of Business Administration

Academic Area

Areas of Expertise

Direct Marketing, Probability and Statistics, Quantitative Decision Analysis

Education: B.S.I.E., Lehigh University; M.S., MSOR, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology

Richard S. Reynolds Emeritus Professor of Business Administration Phillip E. Pfeifer's research focused on direct marketing and decision modeling. He wrote or co-wrote 50 journal articles, more than 80 Darden cases and several textbooks, and received the Wachovia Award for Distinguished Case-Writer.

Prior to joining the Darden faculty in 1980, he was a research engineer at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He was also a visiting professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology (2010) and the University of Notre Dame (2012) (where his sons played lacrosse) before retiring from Darden in 2017.

Selected Books

Bendle, N., Farris, P. W., P.E. Pfeifer, and Reibstein, D. Marketing Metrics: The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 491 pages, 2021.

Bodily, S.E., Carraway, R.L., Frey, S.C. Jr., and Pfeifer, P.E. Quantitative Business Analysis Text and Cases, Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, 1998.


Selected Publications

Google Scholar

Pfeifer, P.E. "The Promise of Pick-the-Winners Contests for the Purpose of Producing Crowd Probability-Forecasts," Theory and Decision, 2015, 24 pages.

Farris, P. and Pfeifer, P.E. "Marketing Metrics," article in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Vol. 9, Marketing, 3rd Edition by Dale Littler (Editor). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. (to appear).

Lichtendahl, Jr., K.C., Grushka-Cockayne, Y., and Pfeifer P.E. "The Wisdom of Competitive Crowds," Operations Research 61 (6), 2013, 1383-1398. Named in 2015 as finalist for the Decision Analysis Society Publication Award for 2013.

Pfeifer, P.E. and Ovchinnikov, A.S. "A Note on Willingness to Spend and Customer Lifetime Value for Firms with Limited Capacity," Journal of Interactive Marketing 25(3), August 2011, 178-189.

Pfeifer, P.E. "On Estimating Current-Customer Equity Using Company Summary Data," Journal of Interactive Marketing 25(1), 2011, 1-14. First runner-up for the Journal's 2012 best paper award.

Pfeifer, P.E. and Bang, H., "Non-parametric Estimation of Mean Customer Lifetime Value," 31 pages, Journal of Interactive Marketing 19(4), 2005, 48-66.

Pfeifer, P.E., Haskins, M.E., and Conroy, R.M., "Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Profitability, and the Treatment of Acquisition Spending," Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. XVII No. 1, Spring 2005, 11-25.

Pfeifer, P.E., "The Optimal Ratio of Acquisition and Retention Costs," Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 13(2), 2005, 179-188.

Pfeifer, P.E. and Farris, P.W., "The Elasticity of Customer Value to Retention: the Duration of a Customer Relationship," Journal of Interactive Marketing 18(2), 20-31, Spring 2004.

Pfeifer, P.E. and Carraway, R.L. "Modeling Customer Relationships using Markov Chains," Journal of Interactive Marketing. 14(2), 43-55, Spring 2000.

Pfeifer, P.E., "Are We Overconfident in the Belief that Probability Forecasters are Overconfident?" Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 58, 203-213, 1994.

Weatherford, L.A., Bodily, S.E., and Pfeifer, P.E., "Modeling the Customer Arrival Process and Comparing Decision Rules in Perishable Asset Revenue Management Situations," Transportation Sciences, 27(3), 239-251, 1993.

Pfeifer, P.E., "The Airline Discount-Fare Allocation Problem," Decision Sciences, 20(1), 149-157, 1989.

Pfeifer, P.E. and Deutsch, S.J., "A Probabilistic Model for Evaluation of Volleyball Scoring Systems," Research Quarterly, 59(3), 330-338, 1981.

Pfeifer, P.E. and Deutsch, S.J., "A Three-Stage Iterative Procedure for Space-Time Modeling," Technometrics, 22(1), 35-47, 1980.