Oliver Schaer

Oliver Schaer


Areas of Expertise

Business Forecasting, Social Media Analytics, New Product Diffusion

Education: B.Sc, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; M.Sc, Ph.D., Lancaster University

Oliver Schaer is a post-doctoral researcher at the Darden School of Business. His research interests are in the application of predictive analytics for the areas of business operations and marketing. During his Ph.D., Oliver investigated the predictive value of user-generated online content, such as social media shares and search traffic information.

Before starting his academic career, he worked as a web project manager of a global health technology company. He is a member of INFORMS, the International Institute of Forecasting and visiting research fellow of the Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting at Lancaster University.


Schaer, O., Kourentzes, N. and Fildes, R. 2019. Demand forecasting with user-generated online information. 2019. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(1), 197-212.

Working Papers

Schaer, O., Kourentzes, N. and Fildes, R. 2019. Estimating the Market Potential with Pre-Release Buzz. Lancaster University Management School, Management Science Paper Series, No. 2019:1.

R Packages

diffusion, Schaer, O., N. Kourentzes, 2018.