Jared D. Harris

Jared D. Harris

Samuel L. Slover Research Chair and Associate Professor of Business Administration


FOB 182

Areas of Expertise

Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Interfirm Trust

Education: B.S., MAcc, Brigham Young University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Associate Professor Jared Harris, appointed to the Samuel L. Slover Research Professorship, teaches both "Ethics" and "Strategy" courses in Darden's MBA program and a doctoral seminar on corporate governance and ethics. His research centers on the interplay between ethics and strategy, with a particular focus on the topics of corporate governance, business ethics and interorganizational trust. His work on corporate financial misrepresentation won the 2007 Best Dissertation Award in one division of the Academy of Management (social issues in management) and qualified him as one of six finalists in another division (business policy and strategy). His work has been published in Organization Science and Business Ethics Quarterly and has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The New Yorker, as well as other media outlets in the United States, Canada, Germany, India, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

Prior to joining the Darden faculty in 2006, Harris taught at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management. Previously, he worked as a certified public accountant and consultant for several leading public accounting firms in Boston, Portland and Oregon. He also served as the CFO of a small technology firm in Washington, D.C.

A fellow with the Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics and a senior fellow with Darden's Olsson Center for Applied Ethics, Harris is also a research partner of Open Ethics and Compliance Group (OCEG) and the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). He consults with several leading financial services companies on the topics of strategic management, ethics and compliance.


Selected Publications

Broomiley, Philip and Jared D. Harris. "A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Organizational Aspirations," Strategic Management Journal,  March 2014, Vol 35, No 3, 338-357.

Jared D. Harris, Scott G. Johnson, and David Souder. "Model Theoretic Knowledge Accumulation: The Case of Agency Theory and Incentive Alignment," Academy of Management Review 38(3): 442-454.

Harris, Jared, Adrian Keevil, and Andrew Wicks. "Public Trust in the Institution of Business," in R. Bachmann and A. Zaheer (Eds.), Advances in Trust Research, 204-223. Edward Elgar: Northampton, Massachusetts.

Harris, Jared D., Scott G. Johnson, and David Souder. "Model Theoretic Knowledge Accumulation: The Case of Agency Theory and Incentive Alignment," Academy of Management Review  38(3): 442-454.

Heather Elms, Stephen Brammer, Jared D. Harris, Robert A. Phillips. "New Directions in Strategic Management and Business Ethics," Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 3, July 2010, 401-425.

Jared D. Harris and Andrew C. Wicks. "'Public Trust' and Trust in Particular Firm-Stakeholder Interactions," Corporate Reputation Reivew, Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer 2010, 142-154.

Harris, Jared, Harry Sapienza and Norman Bowie. (2009). "Ethics and Entrepreneurship," Journal of Business Venturing,  24 (5):407-418.

Freeman, R. Edward and Jared Harris. (2009). "Creating Ties that Bind," Journal of Business Ethics, 88: 685-692.

Harris, Jared.(2009). "What's Wrong with Executive Compensation?" Journal of Business Ethics, 85:147-156.  

Harris, Jared and Ed Freeman. (2008). "The Impossibility of the Separation Thesis," Business Ethics Quarterly, 18 (4): 541-548. PDF

Harris, Jared.(2008). "Financial Misrepresentation: Antecedents and Performance Effects," extended (15 page) abstract of doctoral dissertation, Business & Society, 47 (3): 390-401.

Harris, Jared. (2007). "Do Firms Do 'Worse' by Doing 'Bad'? Financial Misrepresentation and Subsequent Firm Performance," Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, BPS: 1-6.

Harris, Jared and Philip Bromiley. (2007). "Incentives to Cheat: The Influence of Executive Compensation and Firm Performance on Financial Misrepresentation," Organization Science, 18 (3): 350-367.

Harris, Jared.(2006). "How Much is Too Much? A Theoretical Analysis of Executive Compensation from the Standpoint of Distributive Justice," in R. Kolb (Ed.), The Ethics of Executive Compensation, 67-86. Blackwell: Malden, Massachusetts.

Zaheer, Aks and Jared Harris. (2006). "Interorganizational Trust," in O. Shenkar and J. Reuer (Eds.)Handbook of Strategic Alliances, 169-197. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, California.

Bromiley, Philip and Jared Harris. (2006). "Trust, Transaction Cost Economics, and Mechanisms," in R. Bachmann and A. Zaheer (Eds.)Handbook of Trust Research, 124-143. Edward Elgar: Northampton, Massachusetts.

Harris, Jared.(2005). "Hybrid Vehicles, Consumer Choice and the Ethical Obligation of Business," Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 24 (1): 163-170.

Harris, Jared and Philip Bromiley. (2005). "Financial Misrepresentation, Executive Compensation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study," Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, BPS: CC1-CC6. 

Harris, Jared and David Souder. (2004). "Bad Apples or Bad Bushel? Ethics, Efficiency and Capital Market Integrity," Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 23 (1): 201-222.


Selected Books

Harris, Jared, Brian Moriarty and Andrew Wicks (editors). Public Trust in Business. Cambridge University Press, 2013.   

Lenox, Michael and Jared HarrisThe Strategist's Toolkit. Darden Business Publishing. 2013.  

Arnold, Denis G. and Jared D. HarrisKantian Business Ethics: Critical Perspectives, Edward Elgar Pub, 2012.


Case Studies

Advancing knowledge through research that shapes business, Darden professors are recognized thought leaders in their fields. They are not only master case method teachers, they also author many of the cases used in Darden classrooms and around the world.

Jared D. Harris' cases are available in the Darden Business Publishing website.