Darden brand colors

Brand Essentials

Darden Brand - Brand Essentials - Color


Primary Color Palette

The Darden School of Business adheres to the primary brand colors of the University of Virginia, orange and blue. These primary colors should be used to define the Darden look and feel. And we put orange first for a reason. These primary colors should be used to define the Darden look and feel. However, Rotunda Orange should always take the lead, offering an atmospheric overlay to convey vim, innovation and nonconformity.


PMS Coated

CMYK Coated

CMYK Uncoated



Pantone Yellow 012 28.5
Pantone Rubine Red 18.75
Pantone Process Blue 0.5
Pantone Trans. White 52.25

C: 0
M: 64
Y: 81
K: 0

C: 0
M: 68
Y: 100
K: 0

R: 229
G: 114
B: 0


Pantone Yellow 012 19.8
Pantone Rubine Red 14.5
Pantone Process Blue 15.7
Pantone Trans. White 50

C: 87
M: 70
Y: 22
K: 44

C: 98
M: 83
Y: 12
K: 46

R: 35
G: 45
B: 75



Secondary Color Palette

The secondary colors complement the primary colors and convey intensity, liveliness and sophistication. Usage should be limited to small graphic elements within the composition. Graphics supporting feature-length content in publication design can also find conviviality in this palette. Secondary colors may be applied in charts and graphs as complementary features.


PMS Coated

CMYK Coated



Pantone 7474 C

C: 98
M: 7
Y: 30
K: 30

R: 0
G: 118
B: 129


Pantone 7405 C

C: 0
M: 11
Y: 97
K: 2

R: 242
G: 205
B: 0


Pantone 520 C

C: 67
M: 95
Y: 4
K: 16

R: 100
G: 47
B: 108


Pantone 376 C

C: 54
M: 0
Y: 100
K: 0

R: 132
G: 189
B: 0



Neutral/Tertiary Color Palette

The neutral colors may be used full strength or as a tint for background colors. Reserve for occasional use as tints, behind long copy, borders and small line graphics.



PMS Coated

CMYK Coated



Pantone 439 C

C: 21
M: 11
Y: 9
K: 22

R: 165
G: 172
B: 175


Pantone 5415 C

C: 57
M: 23
Y: 10
K: 31

R: 92
G: 127
B: 146 


Pantone 7531 C

C: 16
M: 28
Y: 36
K: 49

R: 133
G: 115
B: 99 


Pantone 7528 C

C: 5
M: 10
Y: 17
K: 15

R: 202
G: 192
B: 182